Our Youth Development Programs are based on Polly Pivot’s life philosophy, One, Two, Follow Through, which celebrates and emphasizes the principles of success in both life and in sport. Polly Pivot and her cool pals from camp, known as ‘The One, Two Crew,’ are relatable kids from all walks of life who want to keep it simple and have a TON of fun in the sun! We want to establish a life-long love for the game with your wee one so dear, and in order to do so, it’s important to keep the fun meter high with an emphasis on developing strong fundamentals in all aspects of the game.
Kids love Polly Pivot’s magical phrase, One, Two, Follow Through! They sing it out loud, it magically inspires a few kart wheels between swings, AND they remember it… because it’s simple, it rhymes(!!!) and it makes perfect sense to them.
Mark Wahlberg is a super, duper fan of The One, Two Crew and has this to say about the best-selling book, “Not only is this a fun and entertaining story, it also teaches wonderful life lessons, just like the game of golf itself!”
2024 Youth Development Programs at Tetherow Resort in Bend, OR
Polly Pivot Golf Camp (Ages 4-6)
9:30a.m. – 11:00a.m.
– The level of FUN is off the charts!
– Games, Games and more Games!
– 6 hours of learning basic fundamentals, enjoying friendly competitions, and developing their super natural golf swing!
*** “Small one, BIG two, WOW… Look at you!” ***
– Become a One, Two’er for life!
Dates: June 25-28 , July 16-19
The Junior One, Two’er (age 7-11)
1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m.
– 8 hours of learning the basics to putting, chipping, pitching, bunker shots, and full swing
– Discover the fun of Golf!
– Develop good habits and know the basic rules and etiquette of the game
Dates: June 25-28, July 16-19
The Advanced Junior (age 12-17)
10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.
– 6 hours focusing on developing strong fundamentals of the game
– Advanced Short Game Exercises
– Learn the rules of Golf and implement on-course
– On-course Challenges and Competitions
– Create a program for practice and play to continue to get better
– Trackman Analysis and Club Fitting Available