The Total Beginner’s School: 3 hours 1:00-4:00
$135 per person per session, 4:1 teacher/student ratio
– Learn the basic fundamentals to putting, chipping, pitching, bunker shots and full swing
– Club Fitting and TrackMan Analysis Available
– We’ll create a practice program unique to your game!
– Open to all beginners eager to learn golf and have a good time!
2024 Dates: April 20, May 18, June 8, July 20

Scoring School 2 hours 1:00-3:00
$85 per person per session, 4:1 teacher/student ratio
– 2 hours, 4 shots, lower scores
– Emphasizing the basics of putting, chipping, pitching, and bunker shots
– Open to all players who want to fine tune the shots that matter most!
2024 Dates: April 13, May 11, June 1, July 13
3 Day Golf Getaway School (4 players)
$850 per person, per school 4:1 teacher/student ratio
– 10 hours of immersive practice and fine tuning all aspects of the game
– Fitness warm up with guru Drew Moore from Tetherow Resort
– Trackman and Club fitting available
– Put practice to play on a top 100 golf course
– Comes with a gift bag of goodies, lunch and snacks
– Gorgeous lodging at Tetherow Resort above The Academy, “Right at The Heart of Bend” (price separate from golf school)